Justin’s Shenanigans Need To Stop


Justin Bieber. Where do I even begin?

By now I am sure everyone has heard  about the whole Justin Bieber drama. But if you have been living under a rock, a little over a month ago, Justin was arrested in Miami for DUI, drag racing and driving with an expired license. And keep this in mind, that is one among many bad things that he has done in recent months. To just name a few, he has spat on his fans (I am sure they loved it), egged his neighbor’s house, showed up two hours late for his concerts, left concerts early, and vandalized.

He is a terrible influence on his fans. Some, which I may add, are young girls who look up to him and love him very much. He is teaching them that behavior like this is ok, and that it is normal to act out like this. Now, why they idolize him, is beyond me.

Some Beliebers are saying, “Oh he is just a teenager. He is trying to figure out who he is. All teenage boys do things like this.” I have two teenage brothers and I can tell you, neither of them have done anything remotely close to what Justin is doing. Most teenage boys I know spend most of their time playing video games.

According to multiple news sources like CNN and Time, Justin was on a flight from Canada to New Jersey smoking pot. Justin and his father supposedly refused to stop smoking after the pilots asked. And then they continued to verbally abuse them. Justin’s dad, a grown man. Well at least now we know where Justin gets it from.

Instead of looking up to Justin as a role model, you should try people who have accomplished great things. People like Malala Yousafzai, the girl who stood up to the Taliban; Nelson Mandela; or Gandhi. Not some air head you call your idol.

But seriously lady Beliebers. How much of Justin’s shenanigans are you going to put up with before you realize he is not the same boy he used to be? He has changed. And it is not for the best.

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